Category: Business Focus

Business Focus – Linad Creations

Beskryf u besigheid in ‘n kort paragraaf:
Linad Creations lewer al vir 13 jaar kwaliteit produkte aan die gemeenskap en is geleë in Voorbaai. Ons spesialiseer in die vervaardiging van kwaliteit kombuis-, kamer-, badkamerkaste, asook kroeë en TV-eenhede.

Wanneer het u besigheid begin?
Ek is al vir 20 jaar in die bedryf en het Linad Creations in Augustus 2001 begin.

Wat het u aangespoor om u besigheid te begin?
Houtwerk is my passie en ek het besef dat vakmanskap en diens altyd in aanvraag is.

Op watter segment van die gemeenskap is u besigheid gemik?
Ek fokus op alle segmente van die gemeenskap van die huiseienaar tot die ontwikkelaar asook besighede. Elke kliënt is vir my ewe belangrik.

Watter produkte/dienste bied u aan?
Advies en insette met ontwerp van produkte benodig. Doelgemaakte kaste ontwerp volgens elke kliënt se unieke behoeftes en spesifikasies. ‘n Algemene nutsman- en onderhoudsdiens word ook gelewer.

Watter voordeel het u bo u mededingers?
Flink diens, goeie pryse, kwaliteit produkte. ‘n Gerekenariseerde 3D program word gebruik sodat die kliënt presies kan visualiseer hoe die eindproduk sal lyk. Ek vervaardig self die kaste en behartig ook die installasie saam met my span ten einde produkte van hoogstaande kwaliteit te verseker. Kaste word in die werkswinkel vervaardig en op terrein geiinstalleer.

Persoonlike hoogtepunte/suksesse/prestasies

Elke projek wat ek sukesvol voltooi is en bly vir my ‘n hoogtepunt. Positiewe terugvoer van tevrede kliënte is die aansporing wat my dryf tot die lewering van uitmuntende produkte en diens.
Wat laat u besigheid bo ander uitblink?
Die gebruik van ‘n gerekenariseerde ontwerpersprogram. Vinnige en flinke diens – kliënte wag nie lank vir lewering van kwotasies nie. Persoonlike betrokkenheid by alle aspekte van die diensleweringsproses wat strek van konsultering met die kliënt tot by vervaardiging en installering van die finale produk. Na-verkoop diens wat voortgesette tevredenheid verseker. Goeie diens en uitnemende vakmanskap is die kern van Linad Creations.

Voltooi die volgende stellings:
“Ondervinding het my geleer dat lewering van kwaliteit diens en produkte ‘n besigheid se sukses en reputasie bepaal.”

“In die toekoms sal my besigheid die volgende (aan) bied ………….”
Produkte om aan elke klient se behoeftes te voorsien
Doelgemaakte kaste met alle beskikbare afwerkings soos Wrap Devon, Impact, Duco, Veneer, Soliede hout en so meer.
Algemene onderhoud en herstelwerk.

Die belangrikste boodskap wat jy met die gemeenskap wil deel?
Ek beskou goeie diens en vakmanskap as die rég van elke kliënt en nié as ‘n voorreg nie.

Linad Creations




Suzan en Antoinette is die 2 dames aan die stuur van FAB CREATIONS.

Gemotiveer, deur die wil om na verskeie onsuksesvolle projekte van dié een ‘n sukses te maak, droom die dames groot.

Hulle is reeds 8 dames en as jy so na hulle luister, twyfel ‘n mens nie dat hulle die nodige kennis en vermoëens besit om deur te druk en uiteindelik sukes te bereik nie.

Met die nodige hulp en bystand van die Munisipaliteit en hopelik ook van die Staat, waar hulle as ‘n werkskeppingsprojek geregistreer is, kan dinge net beter.
Hulle hoofdoel is om so uit te brei, dat vele ander persone uit hulle gemeenskap betrek kan word en sal by baat vind.
Ook om die persone dan op te lei vir ‘n spesifieke taak sodat hulle daaruit ‘n inkomste kan verdien.
So word mense bemagtig en ontwikkel hulle ‘n gevoel van waardigheid.

Ons wens hulle alle sukses toe.

Please support them at:
No.3 Market Street
(In the Craft & Art Building next to the Tourism offices) or Contact : Suzan at 078 599 7144 (for more information) •



la cantinala cantina

la cantinaLa Cantina

Beskryf u besigheid in ‘n kort paragraaf:

La Cantina is ‘n koffiewinkel,konferensie lokaal en opleiding sentrum.

Wanneer het u besigheid begin?

Die amptelike opening sal die 1 ste Maart geskied.

Wat het u aangespoor om u besigheid te begin?

Dit was nog altyd my droom om eendag ‘n working ranch te begin. Hierdie is my working Ranch in ‘n mini me. Dit is my droom se begin.

Op watter segment van die gemeenskap is u besigheid gemik?

Op die minderbevoorregtes, op die mense wat hulp nodig het en ons kinders.

Watter produkte / dienste bied u aan?

Ons is ‘n koffiewinkel , konferensie lokaal en opleiding sentrum . Ons het ook begin met ‘n entrepeneurs mark ,om entrepeneurskap n hupstoot te gee.
Watter voorbeeld het u bo u mededingers?

Ek wil en sal nooit met iemand wil kompeteer. Gesonde kompetisie is goed,maar ek glo almal se son moet skyn.

Persoonlike hoogtepunte / suksesse / prestasies:

Ek het myself gekwalifiseer in die hotel bedryf as executive Housekeeper en ook is ek ‘n gekwalifiseerde Catering Manager.

Wat laat u besigheid bo ander uitblink?


Voltooi die volgende stellings?

” Ondervinding het my geleer dat …”
Mens nooit afgunstig moet wees, of nooit te trots moet wees om jou hand uit te steek nie. WEES DAAR VIR MEKAAR.

Die belangrikste boodskap wat jy met die gemeenskap wil deel?

Ek sal graag wil sien dat ons as gemeenskap saam begin staan en so saam Mosselbaai se kinders beskerm en net as medemens vir mekaar sal omgee en nie elkeen net alles vir eie guns doen nie. Lewe vir die om jou ook. •

Business Focus – Oasis Cafe


Oasis Cafe, is one of the oldest Cafe’s in Mossel Bay, catering for basic groceries,all airtime requirements, as well as delicious take away foods and a sit down peaceful restaurant.

When did you start your business?:
I have been the owner for 5 years now, but Oasis Cafe’ has been in business for 70 years.

What prompted you to start / buy your business?
I bought Oasis Cafe’ as another business adventure as I had been in the fishing tackle industry I wanted to get more involved with the catering side of business.

My business is aimed at?
My business is aimed at the average client, with my prices being very reasonable, I aim at affordability as well as client service.

What products / services are you offering?
Oasis Cafe’ supplies basic groceries, affordable and mouth watering food.

What is your competitive advantage?
6)  My competitive advantage must be the volume and portions of food compared to the price being paid.EG: Jumbo Burger & Chips 200g 100% pure beef patty, R42.00

Personal achievements:
I have managed with the help of my staff to grow Oasis Cafe’ even further, by offering deliveries in and around town, we have extended our take away menu to now offer a restaurant menu which is able to seat 36 people.

What makes your business stand out in the crowd?
I would imagine this to be our food, service and location.
Through experience I have learn’t that the success of my business cannot be achieved without my staff.
In future my business will offer a 24hours service on various days of the week, based on the old Road House.

What is the most important message you wish to send to the community?
Should we disappoint any of our clients please feel free to contact us, and for every problem there is a solution through patience. •

Mossel Bay Tourism warns against accommodation scams

Mossel Bay Tourism has warned anyone who wants to book self-catering summer holiday accommodation on line to book only through recognised accommodation sites.

“Please don’t book your holiday flat or cottage through any of the general sites where anyone can advertise anything for sale,” said the company’s COO, Marcia Holm.

“No matter where you’re planning to stay this summer, please only use well-known accommodation sites that offer real-time, on-line reservations – sites like, or,” she said.

“There’ve been far too many incidents where people have replied to ads on the general sites, and paid for what they thought they were going to receive – only to arrive at their holiday destinations to find that they’ve been scammed.”

Ms. Holm urged consumers to research their accommodation thoroughly– especially if you’re considering staying at a venue that hasn’t been personally recommended.

“TripAdvisor ( is always a good place to start because of the reviews you’ll find there – and if you’re planning to come to Mossel Bay, you should also check if your chosen establishment is listed with us on

“Our staff have personally visited all the hotels, lodges, B&Bs, self-catering units, caravan and camping sites, and backpackers on our site – so you can be sure that you’ll get what’s advertised there,” she said.

Mossel Bay is expecting a bumper holiday season this year – largely because of demand from South Africans, and in part also because of a growing trend amongst European residents (particularly from Holland, Germany, and Britain), who’ve begun taking their South African holidays during the Christmas period.
“In the past they avoided this time of year, but that’s changing,” said Ms. Holm. “We think they’re beginning to realise that even at the busiest time of the year, Mossel Bay still offers excellent value for money.”

Mossel Bay, she said, is the ideal holiday destination.

“It’s got 60 km of sandy beaches (with four Blue Flag Beaches at Santos, de Bakke, Hartenbos, and Klein Brak River), and it boasts probably the widest selection of attractions and adventures, as well as the largest programme of entertainment of any small town on South Africa’s coastline.

“It’s also conveniently close to all the attractions of the rest of the Garden Route and the Klein Karoo – and it’s known for being very family-friendly.

“With all these plusses available to you, you don’t want to ruin your dream holiday by falling for an accommodation scam,” said Ms. Holm.

More information:
Mossel Bay Tourism: •

Besigheids Fokus – Peperboom restaurant en koffiewinkel

Hierdie groot ou peperboom, wat na alle waarskynlikheid oor die 200 jaar oud is, se dik stam getuig van baie jare se ontbering hier in GrootBrak. Net so, is die Peperboom restaurant

egter ook al vir baie jare ‘n bekende oase waar vriende en familie bymekaarkom om saam te kuier en die innerlike te versterk.
Sowat 7 jaar gelede het die huidige eienares besit geneem van die Peperboom. Die entoesiasme waarmee sy haar winkel bestuur is aansteeklik. Klem word veral gele op kwaliteit, en hul sukses word bevestig deur die vakansiegangers wat jaar na jaar terugkeer om weer hier te kom kuier.

Peperboom beskik oor ‘n binnenshuise- sowel as buitenshuise eetarea. Beide areas sluit ook ‘n speelarea vir kinders in, wat dit uiters geskik maak vir gesinsfunksies en kuiers. Binne kan 55 gaste geakkomodeer word en buite 35. Daarom is dit ook uiters geskik vir en gewild vir intieme troues en funksies.

Hulle is baie bekend vir die ontbytspyskaart. Vir die kieskeurige eter wat hou van meer eksotiese disse is daar heerlike “sushi” en dan is die pasta en pizza’s op die spyskaart ook glad nie te versmaai nie. Voeg daarby hul gesonde “wraps” wat al op die KKNK gaan draai het, en ‘n instelling geword het by die Saterdagmark in George, en jy het geen rede om met ‘n leë maag weg te stap van Peperboom af nie.

Hulle is baie betrokke by fietsry-en staproete geleenthede wat in hierdie area aangebied word. Die Grab-a-doo aan die einde van Desember is vir hulle ‘n groot hoogtepunt.

Peperboom is ook baie betrokke by liefdadigheid. Die bekende “Vuurvliegies” kom een maal ‘n kwartaal hier bymekaar vir die afgelope 6 jaar reeds. Die opheffingsprojek by Friemersheim se bossies Lavender en pakkies Fudge is Woensdae hier te koop.

Die pragtige gebou van Peperboom kan nie misgekyk word as jy in Langstraat ry nie. Net soos wat die ou peperboom ‘n rotsvaste baken van Grootbrak is, is die Peperboom restaurant en koffiewinkel ook ‘n baken van samesyn en bymekaarkom vir beide inwoners en toeriste.
Loeloe •

Business Focus – The Pink Haus

Describe your business in a short paragraph:
It is a venue for promoting textile and fibre artists in South Africa. Exhibitions of work are held to expose the public to fibre art and classes teaching various techniques are held throughout the year.

When did you start your business?
Last year

What prompted you to start/buy your business?
My husband died and I was left alone in a huge house in a beautiful setting which I didn’t want to leave. I’ve been involved with textile/fibre art in South Africa for many years so decided to fill my home with works of art and invite people to come and share them with me. I call it a Living Gallery for two reasons – firstly I live and work here, secondly, on Thursdays there is a group of people who come here to work on their individual pieces. Visitors love to come and see ‘Work in Action”.

My business is aimed at?
Anyone with a creative spirit who enjoys interesting and beautiful things. ( And I believe that everyone has a creative spark somewhere inside them – sometimes they just need help in letting it out.). Anyone looking to purchase fibre art.

What products/services are you offering?
Exhibitions are held throughout the year and there is usually a visiting teacher who conducts classes three or four times a year. From September 17 till October 17 there will be the ‘Inhibitions Exhibition’, a collection of work from South African artists. During this time Melanie Brummer will be teaching textile printing and dyeing techniques. From December 1 till January 16 2014 there will be an exhibition of 90 works entitled “Movie Directors”. These are from artists in Korea, Japan, France and South Africa and are travelling around the world so I’m excited about having them here. I have exhibitions booked until March 2015 but there will also be a constantly changing display of Fibre art from artists in the Cape and Eastern Cape. I plan on starting to teach again – probably in the new year. The Gallery will also have a selection of beautiful hand made patchwork quilts for sale – all made by local quilters.

What is your competitive advantage?
The Pinkhaus is the only gallery in the Garden Route that specializes in textile art. Because of my years of involvement with textile artists around South Africa I have an incredible group of friends and artists whose work and knowledge I can draw from. South African artists in this field are some of the best in the world but they are not really recognized for their work in South Africa

Personal achievements?
Organised the Travelling Exhibition “Round the Bend” for the South African Quilters’ Guild which toured South Africa for 18 months. This particular exhibition proved to be the second most popular exhibition that the Pretoria Art Gallery had ever had and I had to fight to get them to show it originally. Being an ‘ART’ gallery, and the top one in the country to boot, they felt that textile art was ‘craft’. When I showed them photographs of the work they changed their collective minds and exhibited them. They even bought a piece by Roy Starke. That gave me a huge amount of personal satisfaction. (By the way – the MOST popular exhibition at the Pretoria Art Gallery was the Leonardo da Vinci exhibition which was travelling the world so we were in good company!)

Was commissioned to make replica quilts for the Museum of Cultural History in Pretoria and for the Pioneer Museum in Pretoria..

Have written articles for various magazines about aspects of working with textiles.

Appeared on Kyknet’s Art programme being interviewed about textile art. (Very difficult because my Afrikaans is atrocious!)

What makes your business stand out in the crowd?

It’s not an intense ‘business’. It’s different, very relaxed and people enjoy being here. They leave here feeling uplifted, it’s very gratifying.

Complete the following statements:
“Through experience, I’ve learnt that ……………”
if you do what you love and can survive that’s real success.

“In future my business will offer …………….”
more classes. In September Melanie Brummer (of ‘Show me How’ fame) is teaching for three days. In March 2014 Kathryn Harmer- Fox is teaching here and I will be looking for more teachers before year’s end. I’m excited too because the Gallery has been included in the new Art Route in Great Brak, is involved in the Muse Festival at the end of September and has also been put on the Fragrance Route which is an initiative to draw tourists inland from Great Brak towards the lovely village of Friemersheim in order to create work for the many unemployed folk in that area.

What is the most important message you wish to send to the community?

Doing something creative, even if it is planting a seed in a pot and nurturing it, helps to lift your spirits. Better than Prozac.

The Pink Haus