Category: Interests

Know How to Stop The Barking Habit of Your Dog

We all know that when our dog constantly barks, it’s an irritating thing for our neighborhoods. When your dog scattered all the stuff in your house, then that won’t affect your neighbors too much. But the constant barking from time to time will result to getting mad of your neighbor and they might complain about it.

The main reason why we take care of dogs was to make sure we have someone present and willing to protect us. But the way they do that is barking. You must teach your dog to discontinue barking to overcome this natural characteristic. You should train your dog to stop continuously barking when they’re still young; otherwise you will suffer when they already do it as a habit.

The natural way puppies and dogs communicate is barking. Feelings like tired of something, trying to convince you to play, and welcoming people as well as in caution will make your dogs bark especially when they’re keyed up. The characteristics of the bark are usually a sign that the dog is trying to do or express something.

Some dog breeds are born with a very strong, as the terrier. When these dogs don’t get enough amount of workout, the outcome would be bad barking habits on their side out of stress. Indeed, boredom can be a big plot of dogs barking. This is in particular true if no one is at home all day and then the dog is unnoticed when you are home.

To resolve this bad habit, you should sit to it you understand that a dogs needs attention and work outs just like we do. It makes no logic to get a dog just to transfer it to the back garden never to interrelate with what is believed to be his human family. Do not get a dog if you have no time to spend with it. And perhaps think of taking some thought that varying cause for your family. Life changes over time, but the dogs will always be there and want caring, concerns and work outward.

If you have to be gone for a long span of time, there are more than a few things you can do to help out your dog deal with being unaccompanied. First thing is try to make him accustomed to you departing and returning back. You would like him to know you do return back and he has not been cast off.

Then, make sure that your dog makes it a habit not seeing you in a long period of time. Make sure you never left him staying alone for hours on end at the same time. Your dog, and this should be taught to him as a puppy, has to get accustomed to a longer period unaccompanied one step at a time. It may perhaps need a weekend of training or even longer. Begin with a very small absence and work your way up.

One more thing is providing your dog with playthings or any other chewable foods that can keep him occupied. Many dogs bark merely for the reason that they are fed up. Provide him stuff that could keep him occupied. Use playing tool such as Kong stuffed with kibble so you can make your dog amused if this used in the appropriate manner.

Deborah Northcutt





Ma het my geleer hoe om te bid:
“Jy moet bid dat daardie kol op die mat uit is as ek vanaand by die huis kom”


Sy het my geleer van “time travel”:
Ek sal jou tot in volgende week in neuk!


Sy het my geleer pa’s is slimmer en ryker as ma’s:
Gaan vra jou pa!


Sy het my geleer oor plantkunde:
Lyk dit vir jou of geld op my rug groei?


Sy het my geleer om altyd nederig en klein te wees:
Mannetjie !!!


Sy het my van die weer geleer:
Dit lyk of ‘n donerse orkaan jou kamer getref het!


Sy het my geleer van fauna en flora:
Moenie vir my vertel perrekak is vye nie!


Sy het my geleer om myself te ontdek:
Hou op om jou soos jou pa te gedra!


Sy het my die wetenskap van osmose geleer:
Hou jou bek en eet jou kos!


Sy het my geleer van uithouvermoë:
Jy sal by daardie tafel sit totdat jy jou spinasie opgeëet het!


Sy het my geleer van sintuie:
Kinners word gesien en nie gehoor nie!


Sy het my geleer van humor:
Hou aan lag, dan gee ek jou iets om oor te huil ook!


Sy het my van jaloesie geleer:
Daar is duisende arm kinnertjies wat ouers soos joune begeer!


Sy het geleer dat daar ‘n plek en ‘n tyd vir alles is:
As julle mekaar wil vermoor, gaan doen dit buite! Ek’t nou net hier skoongemaak!


Sy het my wiskunde geleer:
Sit jy alweer en tanne tel!


Sy het my logika geleer:
Want ek sê so, dis hoekom!


Coping with Sinusitus


Sinusitis, the inflammation of your sinuses, can last anything from 3 to 8 weeks or even years, if left untreated and can cause enormous misery and pain.

Sinuses are hollow air spaces, located in the skull or bones of the head, surrounding the nose. They are found over the eyes in the brow area, inside each cheekbone, just behind the bridge of the nose and between the eyes, as well as in the upper region of the nose and behind the eyes. Each sinus has an opening into the nose for free exchange of air and mucus, which are joined with the nasal passages by a continuous mucous membrane lining.

Anything causing swelling in the nose (infection, allergic reaction or immune reaction) can also affect the sinuses. Air trapped within a blocked sinus, along with pus, may cause pressure on the sinus wall, which can cause intense pain.

Symptoms of Sinusitis:

Facial Pressure/pain
Headache pain
Congestion or stuffy nose
Thick, yellow-green nasal discharge Low fever (99 – 100 ° C) Bad breath
Pain in the upper teeth Hoarseness Sneezing
Coughing (more severe at night) Stuffiness/pressure around nose Tiredness
Decreased sense of smell Pain on leaning over forward Dark circles under eyes
Gastrointestinal symptoms Blue hand and toe nails Difficult concentrating
Fullness and ear infection Achy body Post Nasal Drip
Pharyngitis/sore throat Worsening allergies (Rhinitis, Eczema) Weakness

Treating Sinusitis:

Sinusitis is treated by re-establishing drainage of the nasal passages, controlling or eliminating the source of the inflammation and relieving the pain. Doctors generally recommend decongestants, antibiotics and pain relievers. Over-the-counter or prescription decongestant nose drops, sprays and medication should only be used for a few days. If these medicines are used for longer periods, they can lead to even more congestion and swelling of the nasal passages. Most of the time the decongestants only provide temporary relief of post nasal drips, as it drains the fluid from the mucus, leaving the thick and sticky mucus substance behind, which will provide the perfect breeding ground for bacteria, causing pain and inflammation.

Reflexology is a valuable therapy used to help the body restore its balance again, by getting rid of congestion and inflammation in the sinuses. This therapy assists the body to drain mucus effectively, promoting blood (and therefore oxygen) and nerve supply to the sinuses. Treatment usually consists of a course of 5 – 10 sessions over a period of 2 – 6 weeks, where after a monthly maintenance session is recommended. Most patients can continue a normal pain free lifestyle without chronic medication.

Researched by






It takes place in Great Brak River at Croft Animal Hospital

Over the past five years CAWS 4 PAWS supported by the Garden Route SPCA and volunteers from the Great Brak and surrounding areas have successfully neutered in excess of 500 dogs and cats, as a free service to underprivileged homes, reducing unnecessary suffering by unwanted animals. This valuable service to Great Brak River area would not have been possible were it not for the generous support received from the business community, private sector and professional services of Doctors and staff supplied at absolutely no cost.

This year we plan to host another “Sterithon” on Saturday 17 August.

As in the past, we rely heavily on donations and support to make this a reality – we need help please. Any donations towards the feeding of the voluntary helpers will be gladly accepted – cash or food….bread rolls, coffee, tea, sugar, you name it we can use it!

Your kind consideration and support is greatly appreciated.

Please look at our new website as we would like to add your company as a sponsor with a link to your website if you agree. •



Something that every parent dreads, as we all want our children to feel safe, happy and to enjoy their years at school.

Most schools do have an anti-bullying policy in place, but the sad reality is that many children will be bullied, in one way or the other, during their time at school.

Bullies come in all shapes and sizes. Girls and boys can be the bully.
Bullies are not typically born with these characteristics. It is usually the result from the treatment they received from their parents and authority figures. Bullies often come from families that use physical forms of discipline.

Girls are more likely social bullies, spreading rumours, breaking up friendships etc.

Boys are usually more physical bullies, hitting, punching, kicking and slapping.
They have an urge to dominate, or be in charge of others. Bullies are usually easily pressured by their peers and feel the need to impress them.

The typical victim:
Physically smaller, more sensitive, unhappy, cautious, quiet and withdrawn, passive or submissive. Possessing these qualities make these individuals vulnerable to being victimized. Bullies know these students will not retaliate, making them an easy target.

Several types of abuse:
Physical abuse:
Easily identifiable bullying:
– Punching
– Teasing
– Fighting
– Using Pushing
– Weapons and other objects

Emotional abuse:
Any form of bullying that causes damage to a victim’s psyche and emotional well-being.
– Spreading malicious rumours
– Keeping certain people out of the
– Getting people to “gang up” on
– Making fun of certain people
– Ignoring people on purpose
– Harassment
– Saying hurtful words/sentences (also verbal abuse)
Verbal abuse:
Any slanderous statements or accusations that causes the victim undue emotional distress.
– Teasing
– Being laughed at
– Directing foul language
– Using derogatory terms of playing
with someone’s name
– Commenting negatively on
someone’s looks, clothes, body
(personal abuse).

Bullying done through technology.
Sexual abuse:
Physical or non-physical. When sexuality or gender is used as a weapon by boys or girls.
Children can be bullied into providing “sexual favours” in exchange for protection as gang culture enters schools.
Gay bullying:
Relates to sexual orientation.

Part Two Next Week
Julie •


Brushing a dog’s teeth

I know it sounds weird talking about brushing dog teeth. But it is a fact that canine dental health care is vital for your pet’s long and happy life. Neglecting the teeth of dogs (and also cats) can lead to heavy buildups of tartar on the each tooth which then can lead to gum infections.

The gum infections can then lead to bleeding of the gums around the dog’s teeth. This bleeding then allows easy access to the blood stream for the bacteria that the tartar harbors. This bacteria can then migrate to other parts of the body and infect other organs often leading to sickness and in some cases even death of the canine.

One of the most popular methods for cleaning dog teeth is to take them to the vet for a process called scaling. This works very well but has drawbacks. First, it is very expensive. Secondly, it involves using general anesthetic on the dog. This can be very dangerous for older dogs. Many older canines do not handle the anesthetic well at all.

However, there is an alternative treatment for cleaning canine teeth that is inexpensive, safe and highly effective. It involves simply brushing the dog’s teeth with a special brush and dog tooth paste which is designed especially for your four legged friend.

The process of brushing is much the same as in humans. However, the real trick is to coax the dog into doing the process without forcing them or otherwise making the time stressful for either the pet owner or the canine.

The best way to achieve this is to begin the process slowly. When the tooth brush and cleaning gel are first purchased, the biggest mistake the owner can make is to attempt a complete brushing the first day. This will cause great distress usually for the dog. Instead, it’s important to spend a few days getting the dog used to the brush by having it present during play time and petting. All dogs are different, but the idea is to get the dog to associate the brush and the tooth paste with pleasure.

Gradually you can begin touching the dog’s mouth with the brush during petting and play. Then, put some of the gel on the tooth brush and allow the dog to lick it off. Most of the products contain ingredients that dogs will readily lick. As they allow this process, continue spending more and more time in the dog’s mouth with the brush.

This process could and probably should take several weeks of slowly breaking the dog into the process. Rushing the procedure will ruin the process for both owner and pet. Going slowly and paying attention to the individual personality of the pet will ensure an easier time for cleaning the canine’s teeth and guarantee proper dental health for the pet the rest of their life. •

Beplan ‘n Troue Deel 3


HotPink_Black_White_Brocade_Damask_Pocket_Wedding_Invitation (1)

Trou-uitnodigings skep die eerste indruk van julle spesiale dag en eerste indrukke is blywend.

Die kaartjies moet julle troue se tema, styl, kleur ens. uitbeeld.
Die perfekte uitnodiging behoort julle individuele styl, persoonlikheid en sak te pas.

Om julle besluit te vergemaklik kan julle ‘n afspraak met ‘n verskaffer of drukker maak om te help om julle uitnodigings uniek te maak.

Hulle sal ook raad gee oor die kaartjie se bewoording.

Die kaartjies moet betyds klaar wees om 6 – 8 weke voor die RSVP datum uitgestuur te word.
Proeflees eers en maak seker dat datums, plekke, telefoonnommers en spelling van die name korrek is.

Jou troudag is vol emosie, spesiale, kosbare oomblikke en betekenisvolle formaliteite.
Sonder ‘n DVD is al die kosbare oomblikke vir altyd verlore en sal jy niks daarvan kan herleef nie.

Bruidspare is bewus van die waarde van foto’s en is bereid om baie geld te betaal vir perfekte foto’s, maar wanneer dit kom by ‘n video-opname van die troue, is daar dikwels nie genoeg geld in die begroting wat dan beteken dat ‘n vriend of familielid dit doen, as ‘n “trougeskenk”. Aangesien hulle ook genooide gaste is, wil hulle ook saam met die ander kuier, en die gevolg ‘n afgewaterde DVD.

Onthou dat ‘n foto ‘n oomblik in tyd vasvang, en ‘n DVD, die beweging en emosie van die oomblik vasvang, met die bonus van klank daarby.

Vandag se hoë gehalte videokameras laat jou toe om ook foto’s van jou DVD te laat druk. So as iets skeefgeloop het met die foto’s, of as die fotograaf nie ‘n spesifieke oomblik vasgevang het nie, kan jy foto’s van die DVD laat maak.

Indien jy wel besluit om van ‘n professionele videograaf gebruik te maak, doen sorgvuldig navorsing en maak ‘n ingeligte besluit.

Redigering van die DVD moet smaakvol gedoen word. Van die oomblik wat jy begin aantrek tot en met die laaste dans.

Die beeld, spesiale effekte en keuse van musiek moet vloeiend en indrukwekkend wees.
2. Dit is noodsaaklik dat die videograaf en sy assistente goed geklee is – hulle verteenwoordig jou voor jou familie en vriende.
Drade moet nie ‘n veiligheidsrisiko inhou nie en moet esteties aanvaarbaar wees.

‘n Foto vang jou troudag se kosbare oomblikke en detail vir altyd vas, sodat jy dit jare later steeds kan geniet en herleef.

Daar is ongelooflik baie fotograwe in die mark beskikbaar, elkeen met sy eie unieke styl en manier van werk. Bestudeer web-tuistes en doen moeite voor jy ‘n kortlys maak van die fotograwe wie se styl pas by die soort foto’s wat jy graag sal wil hê.
Dit is uiters belangrik dat jy die fotograaf ontmoet voordat jy hom/haar vir jou troudag bespreek.
Hy/sy is vir die duur van die troudag saam met julle en daarom moet julle gemaklik wees met mekaar en seker maak jul persoonlikhede bots nie.

Maak seker van die volgende:
• Watter pakkette is beskikbaar en kostes verbonde.
• Betaling en deposito’s.
• Ervaring.
• Het die fotograaf ‘n alternatief beskikbaar indien iets onvoorsiens met hom gebeur?

Beplan ‘n Troue


Deel 1 ‘n Troubegroting
Die belangrikste prioriteit nadat ‘n paartjie verloof geraak het, is om ‘n begroting op te stel. Die begroting moet al die kostes van die troue insluit.

• Bepaal eers hoeveel geld julle het. Vind uit hoeveel geld die onderskeie ouerpare bereid is om te bestee, indien enige. Stel vas of die bruid se ouers volgens tradisie vir die onthaal gaan betaal en die bruidegom en sy ouers vir die drank en die wittebrood. Koste kan ook eweredig verdeel word tussen die ouers en bruidspaar. Wees altyd dankbaar en spreek julle waardering uit teenoor jul ouers vir hulle bydraes, hoe gering dit ookal mag wees.
Noudat julle weet, spring weg met ‘n beplanningsessie waarby almal wat ‘n bydrae gaan maak, betrokke is.
• Besluit eerstens waste soort troue julle wil hê (formeel, strandtroue, plaastroue,
markiestenttroue, tuintroue ens.)
• Bespreek dan tema, dekor, kleur, kos, musiek, kleredrag ens.
• Stel ‘n volledige lys op van behoeftes bv vermaak, fotograaf, dvd, platejoggie of orkes, huweliksbevestiger.
• Open ‘n spesiale rekening om al die beskikbare fondse in te betaal, asook jul maandelikse spaargeld. Neem in ag die totale koste vir ‘n gemiddelde troue in SA beloop tans tussen R70 000 – R80 000 vir 80 tot 100 persone. (Koste per persoon R700 – R800). Vir bogemiddelde troues R1 500 – R2 000 per persoon.
Begroot liefs 10 – 15% meer as die basiese begroting vir onvoorsiene uitgawes.
• Bepaal ‘n troudatum
• Vind ‘n venue volgens jul behoeftes.
• Indien julle ‘n troubeplanner gaan gebruik, maak heel eerste met haar ‘n afspraak.
• Kry skriftelike kwotasies by al jul diensverskaffers en maak seker dat die kwotasie alles insluit waarvoor julle vra. Lees die voorwaardes deeglik deur voor julle dit teken en deposito’s betaal.

Riglyne vir die verdeling van die begroting
• Onthaal (venue-koste, kos en drank) 50% vd totale begroting

• Trourok, uitnodigings, fotos, dvd, musiek, blomme, kerse, koek, geskenkies, dekor, liggies en koördineringsfooie50% vd totale begroting

Bestuur van jul begroting
Om ‘n begroting goed te bestuur is uiters belangrik vir die sukses van jul troudag.

Riglyne – Wie betaal vir wat?
Bruid se ouers:
• Trourok en bykomstighede vir die bruid
• Uitnodigings
• Venue koste (huur, kelners en oortyd)
• Kos
• Troukoek
• Blomme en dekor
• Fotograaf en videograaf
• Musiek vir kerk en onthaal
• Troukar

Die Bruid:
• Hare, grimering, skoonheidsbehandeling
• Trouring vir die bruidegom
•Geskenke vir almal wat iets spesiaals vir haar gedoen het.

Bruidegom en sy ouers:
• Verloof- en trouring vir die bruid
• Trougeskenk vir die bruid
• Bruidegom se uitrusting
• Alle hand- en skouerruikers
• Geskenkies vir gevolg
• Huwelikskontrak
• Drank en kroegkostes
• Alle kostes ten opsigte van die kerk, predikant, koster, kerkfooie, orrelis ens.
• Vervoer vir hom en die strooijonkers na kerk en venue
• Wittebrood en reiskostes.



Terwyl die gaste sit en wag vir die bruid kan hulle luister na goeie rustige musiek.
‘n Bruilof behoort plegtig en onvergeetlik te wees met gepaste musiek, plante en blomme as inspirasie vir almal.
Maak seker wat is toelaatbaar vir versiering in die kerk bv kerse en klein ruikers teen die kerkbanke, al langs die paadjie af.

Die gebruik van’n kapel by die trouvenue het die voordeel dat dit gerieflik binne stap-afstand van die onthaalarea is en dit verkeer asook die soek na parkering uitskakel.

Die ma van die bruid kom 5 minute voor die bruid binne en gaan sit links voor.

Die bruidegom staan voor in die kerk en wag vir sy bruid. Hy staan regs van die bruid.

Die bruid se pa bring haar in, lig haar sluier, soen haar op die voorkop, en met ‘n handdruk aan die bruidegom gee hy haar af. Hy neem dan stelling in langs die bruid se ma.

Indien die ouerpaar geskei is, kan die pa in die volgende ry langs sy tweede vrou gaan sit.
Sy vriendin, of die vriend van ‘n alleen loper ma speel, as ‘n reël, nie ‘n rol nie en kom nie in aanmerking vir die troufoto’s nie.
•Huwelikskontrak – Opgestel deur ‘n regsadviseur en behoorlik onderteken.
(Die aanwasbedeling is ‘n gewilde keuse).
• Geskeides se finale egskeidingsbevel of ‘n afskrif.
• ‘n Weduwee of wewenaar moet die oorledene se doodsertifikaat hê.
• Albei se ID dokumente.
• Albei se mediese sertifikate(wat ter wille van versekering soms benodig word).
Organiseer ‘n proeflopie die dag voor die troue om te verseker alles verloop seepglad.

Na die teken van die huweliksregisters deur die predikant, bruidspaar en getuies kan iemand, of al die gaste hulle toesing.

Die gaste stap na buite, kry konfetti warmee die bruidspaar bestrooi word as hulle uitgestap kom, gevolg deur die blomme- en strooimeisies, en die strooijonkers, elk regs van ‘n strooimeisie. Daarna volg die ouerpare.

Die keuse van ‘n geskikte huweliksbevestiger is een van die belangrikste aspekte van enige troue se beplanning – buiten die feit dat hy oor die nodige kwalifikasies moet beskik. (Maak seker dat die huweliksbeampte ‘n lisensie en ‘n geldige aanstelling deur die Departement van Binnelandse Sake het om die huwelik te mag voltrek).
Indien die bruidspaar verkies dat die seremonie deur ‘n vriend of familielid gelei word, kan hulle ‘n gelisensieerde huweliksbeampte nader om die wettige deel van die huwelik te voltrek.

Die bruidspaar moet ‘n huweliksbevestiger kies by wie hulle albei aanklank vind en mee gemaklik voel.

Dit is die bruidspaar se keuse hoe formeel, tradisioneel, godsdienstig, informeel of ontspanne die seremonie moet wees. Humor en interaksie tussen die paartjie, die gehoor en die huweliksbeampte help baie om die senuwees te kalmeer en dra by om die seremonie genotvol te maak.

Waar kan jy ‘n geskikte huweliksbevestiger vind ?
As die bruid en bruidegom nie aktief by ‘n kerk betrokke is nie of aan verskillende denominasies behoort kan hulle ‘n interkerklike huweliksbevestiger nader.
•Vra vriende
•Trou- en onthaalvenues
•Vra jou pastoor/dominee

Konfetti simboliseer oorvloedige reën van seën.
Tradisionele gebruike was die strooi van roosblare en vere-konfetti. Wit duiwe kan vrygelaat word of met ‘n bietjie kreatiwiteit kan hierdie deel van die troue ook baie spesiaal wees.

Julie Retief