What Are Your Feet Telling You?

Reflexologist use the feet to get a better insight into the condition of a person’s body. By looking at the physical anatomy of the feet, as well as calluses, marks and colours we can detect specific information regarding a person’s physical and emotional well-being. The feet are like a combination of your own personal history book and roadmap all in one.

We all know about the significance of being a right- or a left-brained person.  The feet are also significant in terms of left and right and follow the body as opposed to the head, so left feet relates to the left side of the body, as well as to the female aspects of ourselves, including relationships with women and our mothers.  Left feet also represent the present and what is going on now in our lives.  Shadow aspects of ourselves (the parts that we keep hidden from others) may also show up more clearly on the left foot.  The right foot, relating to the right side of the body, refers to the male aspects of ourselves as well as interaction with men and our fathers.  The right foot is also about the past and events linked to the past.

Big Feet and Small Feet
People with large feet in proportion to their bodies have the potential to create a big impression in life (can also be a reference to the footprint they leave behind and suggest they are much grounded in life, although they may also be prone to putting their foot into it).

People with proportionally smaller feet, may have a quieter, more reserved approach to life as they tread lightly on their path.  While they may create an impact on the world around them, it will be gentler and perhaps less forceful and dynamic than their larger-footed friends.

Colours of Feet
Every area on the feet is not only connected to specific organs, glands and body parts, but also to our emotions and grieves.  Different colours on different parts of the feet can give us more insight into our state of being. Each area on the foot relates to different areas of our life.  For instance, the heel relates to family, society or work-related issues and the toes to yourself, how you think about yourself and your potential, as where the ball of the feet relates to others we love unconditionally.

Red Areas:  Indicates where we may be angry.
Yellow Areas: Depending on where the yellow patches are, generally indicates that we are fed up with a situation or a person.

White Areas: White feet indicate that you are exhausted and washed out.
Blue Areas: Indicates that you are tired from all the pain and hurt in your life and/or feel bruised by people or situations in your life.

Excessive watery fluids in the body are also a sign of emotions that we are holding onto, so there may be much pain and sadness in being unable to truly see and release where we have become stuck.

Going around in circles does not allow us to make much progress in life, which is why understanding ourselves is so important in order to emotionally and spiritually grow to our full potential.

If you don’t go within, you will go without….

Researched by
Erika Myburgh
Mossel Bay
083 654 9292 •

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