Month: July 2014

National Oil Recyclers Association South Africa (NORA-SA) and Recycling Oil Saves the Environment Foundation (ROSE) – Placement of Enviro Containers

In an effort to not only create, but maintain environmental standards in the used oil industry, the ROSE Foundation and NORA-SA have embarked on strategies to ensure accountable and responsible collection, recycling and provision of renewed resources in South Africa.
It is a collective and mutual relationship that was in place before 2005, but expanded after 2005 to include the broader collection society in South Africa, with the specific focus and objective to structure and formalize the informal collection sector in such a manner that ROSE from an environmental producer responsibility (EPR) is seen to be responsible and accountable.
ROSE members levy their members per litre of new oil produced and this is income is used by ROSE to incentivize collections, set up infrastructures in specific gap areas (industrial developing areas where there is limited or insufficient infrastructure), propagate the potential harm products may cause, involvement in community projects and in general assistance to previously disadvantaged communities etc.
To achieve these aims a need arose for a partner to collect, recover and process as much volumes as possible. At this stage only 180 million of the 270 million produced litres are recovered although the last two years have seen the steady increase of recoverable old oil.
Besides collectors and processors being incentivized, ROSE have set up agreements with both to ensure that the collection, storage and recycling/ processing is done within legal and environmental compliance standards.
Typical examples would be the following:
1) All processors are encouraged to obtain ISO 14001 standards, and once this is achieved, ROSE incentivizes processors on volumes recycled, and this is an incentive developed to contribute towards the maintenance of the ISO standards.
2) Processors & collectors are incentivized by way of R0-30c/ litre for collection in outlying areas further than 100 kilometres away from a bulking/ storage or processing facility and R0,10c/ litre in the case of urban areas.
3) To ensure environmental- and legal compliance the following auditing or checking systems have been introduced:
· Collectors are being assessed by processors and checklists for checking are being maintained at the processor sites who are all ISO 14001 compliant
· ROSE has appointed an environmental officers whom effects random checks at all processors and within collectors operating
· ROSE pays an appointed external environmental auditing Company (WSP Walmsley) to once a year, assess all collectors and facilities and bring out a report which is submitted to ROSE. These reports play and invaluable role specifically in the case of processors, as such reports may be submitted as a objective and external report to the Department of Environmental Affairs in order to honour requirements as set out in processor’s permits/ licenses in terms of their activities.
New Enviro Centre Facilities
In an effort to assist Municipalities ROSE and NORA SA have engaged with the Municipalities of Plettenburg Bay, Knysna, Mossel Bay, Oudtshoorn, Riversdale and George and the Eden District Municipality for the placement of containers at all disposal sites open to the public. In total 24 will be placed at convenient venues to enable the recovery of used oil.
The idea is for the public to bring their used oil filters and used oil to these facilities to dispose safely the said commodity. The containers will be marked and identified on all sites and Municipality personnel had received training in this regard.
Oil Separation Solutions (Pty) Ltd has been appointed by the Eden District Municipality to collect the said oils and transfer it to the ROSE approved storage facility based in Beach Boulevard East, Diaz Mossel Bay.
There is no cost to the public to dispose use oils and filters however no contaminated rags/ waste will be allowed – ONLY Oil filters and used oil. These facilities will NOT cater for the industries.
The used oil that is referred to is motor/ engine oil and not cooking/ sunflower oils.
Tuinroete Agri has also joined the initiative and 1000 litre containers have been placed on certain depots such as Albertinia, Riversdal, Uniondale and Herold.
Interested industries and the public are welcome to contact the Mossel Bay Bulking facility at office number (044) 695 4922 to arrange collections or dropping at the facility.


Aanstelling van werknemers op proeftydperk – Deel 2

In die vorige aflewering is kortliks gekyk na die gebruik van die proeftydperk om werknemers se geskiktheid vir ‘n spesifieke pos te bepaal ten tyde van aanstelling.
Om te verseker dat die proeftydperk op aanvaarbare wyse hanteer word, moet die volgende vereistes vir billike ontslag vir onvermoë om te presteer gedurende die proeftydperk moet in ag geneem word:
Die duur van die proeftydperk moet in ooreenstemming wees met die kompleksiteit van die werk
Eenvoudig gestel kan mens nie ‘n drie maande proeftydperk wil afdwing vir ‘n skoonmaker nie. Die vaardighede wat vir skoonmaakwerk vereis word, is doodeenvoudig nie so kompleks dat dit drie maande kan neem om te bepaal of ‘n skoonmaker wel die werk kan doen nie.
Aan die ander kant is dit heel waarskynlik onmoontlik om binne ‘n maand te bepaal of ‘n rekenmeester die werk kan doen waarvoor sy aangestel is. In gevalle waar ‘n ontslag wat verband hou met proeftydperk, as dispuut na die CCMA verwys word, sal ‘n te lang proeftydperk heel waarskynlik daartoe lei dat die werknemer se ontslag as onbillik geag sal word.
Die standaarde waaraan voldoen moet word, moet duidelik en bekend wees
Dit is in belang van beide die werkgewer en die nuwe werknemer dat die standaarde waaraan die werknemer se werkverrigting gemeet sal word, so duidelik as moontlik uitgespel sal word. Uiteraard is sekere maatstawwe, soos om betyds te wees vir werk, en om elke dag vir werk aan te meld, gegewe vereistes wat nie uitgespel hoef te word nie. Wat wel duidelik gemaak moet word, is byvoorbeeld die vereiste dat telefoonoproepe voor die vierde lui beantwoord moet word, minstens vier afsprake per dag gereël moet word, of dat afwesigheid van ondergeskiktes beperk moet word tot 5% van totale mandae.
Waar afwykings voorkom wat nie in die oorspronklike standaarde gestel is nie, kan dit in die terugvoer aan die werknemer deurgegee word, soos byvoorbeeld dat sy manier van kommunikeer met ondersgeskiktes of klante nie aanvaarbaar is nie.
Terugvoer aan die werknemer moet gereeld en korrek wees
Ten einde die werknemer sover te kry om sy werkverrigting te verbeter, is dit noodsaaklik dat terugvoer betyds en in detail gegee sal word. In gevalle waar ‘n proeftydperk van een maand geld, is dit in belang van die partye dat weeklikse terugvoer gegee sal word. Langer proeftydperke soos drie maande, sal ‘n maandelikse terugvoer sessie vereis. Hoe meer gereeld die terugvoer, en hoe gouer na die waargenome afwykings, hoe makliker sal regstelling kan plaasvind.
Terugvoer behoort skriftelik gegee te word, en die werknemer moet ontvangs erken van die terugvoer.
Leiding moet gegee word om gebrekkige werkverrigting te korrigeer
Die werwingsproses is nooit goedkoop nie, en die geld wat spandeer is om die nuwe personeel te werf, sal gemors word as die werknemer nie die mas opkom nie en die pos weer van vooraf gevul moet word. Dit is gevolglik in belang van alle partye dat alle redelike pogings aangewend sal word om die werkverrigting, wat nie aan standaarde voldoen nie, te verbeter.
Duidelike aanduiding van die verbetering wat vereis word, behoort in die skriftelike terugvoer sessies gegee te word. ‘n Werknemer wat byvoorbeeld twee keer laat was binne die eerste twee weke, sal in kennis gestel word dat van haar verwag word om teen 5 minute voor oopmaaktyd op haar pos te wees. ‘n Tikster wat te veel spelfoute laat deurgaan, sal hoor dat sy die speltoetser moet gebruik en dat slegs twee foute per 10 bladsye, aanvaarbaar sal wees.
Billike geleentheid om te verbeter moet gegee word
Tensy daar baie duidelik ‘n totale onvermoë by die werknemer is om te verbeter, moet die werknemer geleentheid gegee word om te verbeter. In die bostaande geval van spelfoute, behoort sy te hoor dat sy binne die volgende 5 dokumente weer getoets sal word, en dat, indien daar nie genoegsame verbetering is nie, dit ernstige gevaar vir haar voortgesette diens bestaan.
Die werknemer moet in kennis gestel word dat die gevaarligte flikker
In die terugvoer sessies moet die duidelik uitgespel word wanneer die werkverrigting sodanig is dat dit heel waarskynlik gaan lei tot sy diensbeëindiging indien dit nie verbeter nie. Enkele situasies is eenvoudig die gevolg van onbekendheid met ‘n nuwe werk se kultuur, en behoort nie finale waarskuwings te kry nie; ander situasies hou soveel negatiewe potensiële gevolge vir die maatskappy in dat, indien dit herhaal sou word, die onderneming skade sal berokken, in welke geval die werknemer baie ernstig aangespreek sal moet word.
Werknemers behoort nie verras te wees indien ontslag volg nie
Historiese praktyke het bestaan waar die werknemer op die laaste dag van die proeftydperk eenvoudig ingelig word dat hy die proeftydperk nie geslaag het nie, en dat hy nie die volgende dag moet terugkom nie. Hierdie is ‘n totaal onbillike praktyk, en die statutêre liggame se wernkbroue sal hoog lig indien dit die geval sou wees.
Die regte van die werknemer in geval van ontslag op grond van swak werkverrigting gedurende die proeftydperk
In die geval van ontslag omdat die proeftydperk nie geslaag is nie, is die werknemer steeds geregtig om die CCMA te nader met ‘n dispuut. • Francois Le Roux – GRBS 083 321 7120

Oil Recycling

Members of the public and informal businesses are encouraged to make use of the Enviro Centre facility at the municipal transfer station at Sonskynvallei to dispose of used motor oils and filters safely and free of charge.

The transfer station is situated at Sonskynvallei on the corner of Mandela and Gumpiro Streets in Sonskynvallei just off the R102 road to Oudtshoorn.

The used motor oils and filters can be disposed of there during normal operating hours from 07:30 to 19:00. There will be no cost to the public to dispose of used oil and filters.

However, the disposal of contaminated rags or waste or mixed fluids is not allowed at the Enviro Centre.

The improper or illegal disposal of used oil has a significant detrimental effect of the environment. Just one litre of used oil can contaminate one million litres of drinking water for humans and animals.

Enquiries in this regard can be addressed to the Municipality’s Waste Manager at (044) 606-5143.


Die ACVV Kenani Dienssentrum bied weer ‘n Teelepeltjie ete aan op Sondag 27 Julie 2014 om 12h00.
Kostes beloop R70 per persoon. Kom geniet ‘n ete eie aan sy soort – jy mag net met ‘n teelepeltjie inskep. Dis ‘n smaak sensasie en proe geleentheid eie aan sy soort. Daar is ‘n groot verskeidenheid geregte om van te kies en te keur. Bring u eie drinkgoed saam, en jou vriende en familie en kom ondervind iets buitengewoon.
Die fondsinsamelings projek gaan ter ondersteuning vir Belangrike Dienste wat aan ons Bejaarde gemeenskap gelewer word.

Kontak vir Kitty Eigelaar 08 221 3047 en of Nakkie Zerwick 044 690 3204 of 044 690 3794 om u plek te bespreek.


Vasbyt – Beroepskeuses Deel 2

Indien jy ‘n beroepskeuse wil maak sal jy vind dat almal wat leef en beef meer weet en jou probeer aanraai en afraai oor ‘n beroepsrigting wat jy wil volg. Jy hoor byvoorbeeld opmerkings soos “O, almal studeer dit” ens. Vergeet van al hierdie opmerkings en vind uit wie jy is. In die tweede artikel het ons reeds daarna verwys dat jy jouself moet ken en weet wie en wat jou keuses beinvloed. Maak seker van die volgende: · Wat is jou aanleg: waarmee is jy goed, wat het jy maklik reggekry toe jy jonger was, · Waarvan hou jy: Waarmee hou jy jouself besig, wat is jou stokperdjies, na watter stories luister jy die meeste van die tyd, watter volwassenes prikkel jou belangstelling en waarom; · Water persoonlikheidstipe is jy; wil jy altyd mense om jou hê, verkies jy om dinge op jou eie te doen; deurdink jy alles wat jy doen of tree jy impulsief op ens. · Sodra jy hierdie dinge vasgestel het en vind dan miskien jy moet met mense werk, begin vir jouself ontleed met watter ouderdomgroep mense wil jy tyd spandeer/werk: bejaardes, volwassenes, tieners,kleuters, siek mense, kreupel mense, mense in groepe net met een mens op;n slag ens. Wat is jou voorkeure. Sodra jy ‘n antwoord op die vrae hierbo het, kan ons eers begin om beroepsrigtings te oorweeg en dan ‘n kwalifikasie neem wat jou in daardie spesifieke beroepsrigting kan neem. Julle sal merk ek praat van beroepsrigting en nie spesifieke beroepe nie. Onthou in elke beroepsrigting is daar baie verskillende beroepe. Hier sal mens weer jou voorkeuere verder saamkoppel om ‘n beter keuse te maak. Dit is dus nie meer so maklik om ‘n beroepskeuse te maak nie, daarom is dit belangrik om ‘n Professionele persoon wat opgelei is om leiding in die verband te doen te besoek. So ‘n besoek kan die hele dag neem aangesien hierdie persone gewoonlik Psigometriese evaluerings doen en daarvolgens vir jou die beste aanbevelings kan maak. Hulle maak gewoonlik aanbevelings nadat hulle met jou in gesprek getree het na die evaluerings – so ‘n gesprek kan ongeveer een uur lank wees. Na so ‘n gesprek of beroepskeuse onderhoud word daar verwag dat jy instansies besoek waar die beroep van jou keuse beoefen word en dan weer na opvolggesprekke, ‘n besluit neem. Professionele persone wat hiermee kan help kan wees Voorligting Sielkundiges, Bedryfsielkundiges, Voorligters/Beraders (gewoonlik verbonde aan ‘n skool), Opvoedkundige Sielkundiges Jy kan hulp kry by die skrywer van hierdie artikel Sien advertensie hierby vir kontakbesonderhede. Ons sal met die volgende uitgawe kyk na hoe jy kan studeer sodat jy nie onderpresteer nie. Julle kan my ook kontak vir ‘n studiemetode kursus sodat jy gereed is vir die volgende kwartaal/semester om jou punte te verbeter. Rina Kotze – 082 785 0126 •


Rina Kotze



Excessive Sweating During Exercise,Does That Mean I’m Out of Shape?

sExcessive sweating during exercise: does it mean you’re in bad shape, does it mean you’re in great shape, or does it mean anything at all?
First of all, you have to figure out if your excessive sweating occurs only during increased physical activities or during every day normal activities as well.
If it’s happening during normal activities it doesn’t necessarily mean that there’s something wrong–what you ate and the temperature of your surroundings can have something to do with it.
There is, however, a condition called hyperhidrosis which occurs in around 1% of the population, and it really does cause excessive sweating. Since such a small percentage of people have it though the chances of this being the case for you is pretty slim.
Why We Sweat
Our bodies are always adjusting themselves, making sure we don’t have too much of this or too little of that. This process includes making sure we don’t overheat.

Of course there are other reasons why we drip: nervousness or fighting an infection for example, but for our purposes we’ll stick to sweating and physical fitness .
Simply put, our bodies sweat to bring down our body temperature during exercise. So you might think that your excessive sweating during exercise means something’s wrong when it really doesn’t.
Sweat glands, all 2-4 million of them, are either from theEccrine or Aproccine gland and they produce moisture on our skin that then evaporates, cooling us down. Sweat contains both water and sodium (salt) which you can sometimes taste on your lips when you sweat.
The harder you train, the more chances you’ll have excessive sweating during exercise which means, in most average healthy adults that your body is becoming more efficient at cooling itself down.
Take a look at athletes. Anyone remember Micheal Jordan? That guy would sweat buckets. For some reason people think that the more you sweat the less physically conditioned you are, which isn’t the case.
Whether you sweat a lot or not we can all become dehydrated from time to time. What you eat and the amount fluids you take in have a dramatic effect on your level of hydration. Your body is around 60-70 percent water and your blood is mostly water so you need to take in enough fluid every day.
So how much does the average healthy person need? A simple formula you can use is this: take your weight in pounds and divide that number in half and that’s roughly how many ounces of water you need per day.
So a 200 pound man would need to drink about 100 ounces, or 12.5 cups, per day. Don’t drink it all in one sitting though, you need to drink throughout the entire day so sip instead of guzzling.
How Do You Know if You’re Dehydrated?
One of the easiest ways to tell if you’re dehydrated is to look at your urine. If it’s brown or has an amber color and a strong odor that’s a sure sign that you’re dehydrated.
If you feel thirsty you’re already slightly dehydrated. This is why you should be sipping throughout the entire day–so that you don’t feel thirsty.
You should also make sure that you’re eating lots of fruits and vegetables because your body absorbs water more easily from food, especially fruits and vegetables with high water content (apples,pears,oranges,tomatoes) than it does just drinking a glass of water.
If you plan on training try to drink about 15-20 fl oz, 2-3 hours before working out, 8-10 fl oz 10-15 minutes before working out, and make sure to sip more fluids during your workout.
It’s better for your heart as well if you don’t let yourself get really thirsty and then drop a water bomb on it while you’re training.
So as you can see excessive sweating during exercise it really doesn’t mean that you’re in poor shape at all, it means your body’s cooling system works just fine so embrace the sweat knowing that it’s just doing it’s job.

Researched By : Kátia C. Rowlands – Pilates Instructor & Personal Trainer – 082 513 4256 •

van die Redaksie


Mosselbaai het wat dit vat !!!

Dit het ons net weer besef … doen net ‘n bietjie moeite voor jy weer kerm en kla.
Alles is hier onder ons neuse.

Na die Besigheidskamer se ontbyt en Pierre Venter (‘n vorige Voorsitter van die Besigheidskamer) se uiters gepaste en leersame toespraak, met daaropvolgende idees, voorstelle en pleidooie van die lede, het ek besluit … dit waaroor ek kla, kla ander ook oor.
So, doen iets !!

Voor ek net George of Kaapstad toe hardloop vir kwotasies, maak eers seker die produkte is glad NIE in Mosselbaai te kry nie.
En ja sowaar, daar ontdek ek Pienaar Bros. en Logo Studio.

Na ‘n dae lange onsuksesvolle soektog, op die net, vele oproepe, selfs na George en Kaapstad, kry ek toe wat ek so na gesoek het op my eie voorstoep. (Bygesê, teen ‘n goeie prys.)
En die bonus .. die een is vriendeliker en meer behulpsaam as die ander.

Deel van die problem glo ek is:
As nuwe “inkommer” in Mosselbaai, (en daar is baie van ons) weet jy nie onmiddellik van al die besighede en wat hulle bied nie. Dikwels maak jy maar staat op ander se ondervinding en inligting.

Sigbaarheid dmv gereëlde advertensies en advertering sal grootliks bydrae tot langdurige maar nodige blootstelling. So nie, weet net ‘n handjie vol mense van julle.

“Not advertising, is like kissing a girl in the dark – only you know what you are doing, but no-one else does”.


Mossel Bay Tourism welcomes whales

Mossel Bay Tourism has welcomed the migratory southern right whales and humpback whales which have returned to the Southern Cape coast for their annual mating and calving season.

“It’s a pity that they don’t have an embassy or at least a consulate where we could talk to their representatives in person,” said Mossel Bay Tourism’s Marcia Holm.

“It would be great to make an official thing of it because they really are that important to both our environment and the local tourism economy.”
This year, she said, whale-watching holidays have become even more affordable than ever before, “because whale-watching season coincides with Mossel Bay’s Mild Season – when guests can enjoy self-catering accommodation at discounts of up to 50%.
“And if you do take advantage of any of our special offers on accommodation, you’ll also qualify for discounts of up to 50% on attractions and activities – like whale watching tours aboard the Romonza, which holds the official permit for boat-based whale watching in Mossel Bay.”
Ms. Holm said that southern right and humpback whales represent just a portion of the many different species of marine mammals that live in or visit Mossel Bay’s shallow, protected waters.
“The Mossel Bay Cetacean Project has been collecting hard data about whales and dolphins in the Bay since 2010, and it records sightings of Bryde’s whales and humpback- and bottlenose dolphins throughout the year – and not just during whale-watching season.”
Ms. Holm said that other, rarer visitors include killer whales (orcas) and false killer whales, while the colony of Cape fur seals on Seal Island remains one of the town’s best-known tourist attractions.
Masters student Monica Betts of the Mammal Research Institute of the Department of Zoology and Entomology at the University of Pretoria – who is currently in charge of the Mossel Bay Cetacean Project – said that she recorded the year’s first sightings of southern right whales in Mossel Bay in May, while the humpbacks appeared off The Point (Cape St. Blaize) and Kleinbrakriver early in June.
“It is a little early to see humpbacks in this part of the world, but there has been a sardine run up the coast, and it’s most likely they were just passing through Mossel Bay as they moved up the coast.
“If there were large numbers of sardines in the Bay, that might have been the reason the humpbacks came so close inshore.”
Ms. Betts is the third student to have worked on the Mossel Bay Cetacean Project: it was started by Edith Mertz 2010, and continued by Bridget James from 2011. Ms. Betts has been working in Mossel Bay since April 2013. She is now in the final stages of writing up her research towards her masters degree.

“We’ve always relied on visual sightings, and then plotting the positions of the animals using the same equipment that they use for land surveys – but I’ve been using audio technology to develop a new method of monitoring that allows us to keep track of whales and dolphins both during the daytime, and at night or in bad weather.

“This will help us gain a deeper understanding of their habits and behaviour,” she said.
“It’s almost as if Mossel Bay was built for whale- and dolphin watching – and as if the whales and dolphins know it,” said Ms. Holm.

“You can often spot them from even slightly elevated positions on land. So if you do take advantage of our Mossel Bay Mild Season, you could land up watching them from the comfort of your stoep.” •