Author: Admin



Chinese culture was highlighted at the five-day Dias Festival which ended with much fanfare Sunday in the scenic coastal town of Mossel Bay, South Africa.

It was the second time that China sent a large delegation to the annual festival, but it was this year that the Chinese culture was featured prominently in the festival, said Wen Zheng, Cultural Attache in the Chinese Embassy in Pretoria.

The Chinese official said the city of Mossel Bay attached greater importance to the Chinese presence, which has seen rapid development of cooperation between the two countries in various fields.

He said this year’s festival almost coincided with the Chinese Lunar New Year, which falls on Monday, adding a festive atmosphere to the event.

Hunan Arts Performing Troupe, sent by the Chinese Ministry of Culture to join the festival, took the opportunity to introduce the Chinese New Year of the Monkey to the audience.

Pin Liu, who heads the troupe, said he hoped the visit could boost bilateral cooperation between the two countries as well as the mutual understanding between the two peoples.

Mossel Bay City Mayor Marie Ferreira said the Chinese delegation presented a variety of performances to the much delight of the people in the city. She hoped that Chinese culture would become a trademark of the Dias Festival.

Cruise Santos, a local construction worker, told Xinhua that his family were excited to see the Chinese delegation’s performance at the festival.
“It is a good opportunity for us to get a taste of the Chinese culture which is so colorful and diversified,” he said.

The annual festival takes place in late January or early February every year to observe the Portuguese explorer Bartholomeu Dias who headed an expedition to sail around the southern tip of Africa in the hope of finding a trade route to India.

Dias and his fleet eventually entered what he named Bay of Saint Blaise, which was later renamed Mossel Bay on Feb. 3, 1488.

In the spirit of “Where Cultures Meet”, this year’s festival offers a variety of events, including live shows, cultural concert, a performance by China’s Hunan Arts Troupe, motorsport gymkhana, and street parade, among others. (The Gremlin)




Beskryf u besigheid in ‘n kort paragraaf:
Ons bied ‘n persoonlike skoonmaak-/opruimingsdiens/instandhoudings diens. Ons verlig die las van vakansiegangers wat die laaste dag van hul vakansie moet skoonmaak en opruim. Mense wat verhuis, het ‘n voordeel om ‘n skoon huis agter te laat of ‘n skoon huis te kry wanneer hulle intrek. Permanente bewoners kan van ons diens gebruik maak vir algemene skoonmaak van huise. Vakansiegangers wat nie meer in staat is om hulle eie huise skoon te maak nie, kan van ons diens gebruik maak teen ‘n verminderde tarief. Die voordeel van ons diens is dat u slegs een opsie of alles kan kies.

Wanneer het u die besigheid begin?
Hierdie is ‘n nuwe besigheid met een doel om ‘n bevredigende diens te lewer .

Wat het u aangespoor om u besigheid te begin?
Na die Desember vakansie het ons met ‘n paar besoekers gesels,wat hulle eie vakansie huise besit, en ons het tot die slotsom gekom dat daar ‘n groot behoefte is vir so ‘n diens veral in vakansie tyd en ook ‘n gemoedsrus op inhoud van die huis deur inventarisse op te stel voordie tyd en na.

Op watter segment van die gemeenskap is u besigheid gemik?
Ons wil ‘n diens lewer vir vakansiegangers, pensionarisse, permanente inwoners, ouetehuise en gastehuise.

Watter dienste bied u aan?
Ons bied ‘n skoonmaak- en algemene instandhoudingsdiens.

Watter voordeel het u bo u mededingers?
Ons kan al ons aandag op die skoonmaakdiens toespits aangesien ons jong afgetredenes is, wat enige tyd van die dag beskikbaar is. Ons sal ook in spits vakansie tyd beskikbaar wees.Ons hou persoonlik toesig oor die skoonmaak en is self betrokke by take tydens die skoonmaak van u eiendom. Ons het ‘n goeie oor om te hoor wat u behoeftes is en wil ‘n persoonlike besigheids verhouding met u smee. Ons kommunikeer direk met die kliënt op ‘n professionele wyse.

Wat laat u besigheid bo ander uitblink?
Daardie persoonlike self inspeksie wat omsien dat die werk behoorlik en in tyd gedoen word. Ons stuur ook weekliks/maandeliks’ n vorderings en instandhoudings verslag insake take ie grassny/ verf/dakskoonspuit/houtdekke en wendy huise wat aandag nodig het.Daar kan ook fotos van bogenoemde gestuur word en indien kwotasies verlang word en dit ge-epos vir u goedkeuring.

Voltooi die volgende stellings:
“Ondervinding het my geleer dat betroubaarheid en stiptelikheid 2 baie belangrike eienskappe is om van ‘n besigheid ‘n sukses te maak.”

“In die toekoms sal my besigheid die volgende (aan) bied:
Voorbereiding en opruiming (skoonmaak) van die
wooneenheid/gastehuis voor en na vakansie.
Persoonlike toesighouding oor skoonmaak dienste van u wooneenheid.
Algemene instandhouding bv swembad/tuin instandhouding/ opritte,
Dienste kan daagliks/weekliks of op adhoc basis geskied.

Die belangrikste boodskap wat jy met die gemeenskap wil deel?
Ons wil aan u ‘n betroubare en hoë kwaliteit diens lewer met goeie kommunikasie en eerlikheid as boustene van ons besigheidsvriendskap met u.

Kontak besonderhede:
Cleaning Day
073 231 3330/ 078 671 7841




Daar word steeds broodverpakkingsknippies benodig om die doelwit van 350 kg te bereik sodat dit ingeruil kan word om ‘n rolstoel vir ‘n behoeftige persoon te verkry. ‘n Beroep word dus weer eens op die publiek gedoen om die knippies te versamel, en by die Mosselbaaise Munisipaliteit in te handig.

Mense word ook aangemoedig om hul families en vriende van ander dorpe te betrek om knippies in te samel en aan hulle te stuur vir inhandiging by die Munisipaliteit. Daar is reeds 183,9 kg knippies ingesamel sedert die Munisipaliteit met die veldtog begin het, en daar word dus nog baie knippies benodig om die doelwit te bereik.

Die knippies, wat gebruik word om die plastieksakkies waarin brood verkoop word mee toe te maak, is van hoëdigtheidpolistireen gemaak. Dit is geskik vir herwinning, en kan weer gebruik word om produkte soos houers vir saailinge, vloerlyste, kroonlyste en klerehangers te vervaardig.

Vir elke 350 kg van die knippies wat ingesamel word, word ‘n rolstoel aan ‘n behoeftige persoon geskenk.

Spesiale houers is by alle munisipale betaalpunte asook biblioteke geplaas sodat die publiek hul knippies daar kan gaan ingooi.

Die landswye projek is ‘n paar jaar gelede deur me Mary Honeybun van Noordhoek in die Kaap begin, en word nou deur die Polistireenverpakkingsraad van Suid-Afrika gekoördineer.

Lede van die publiek, asook besighede, skole en kerke wat meer inligting wil hê oor hoe hulle betrokke kan raak, kan vir Alma Kritzinger by die Munisipaliteit by telefoon (044) 606-5251




Beskryf u besigheid in ‘n kort paragraaf:
Ons is daar on u te ondersteun om u grootste vaste bate naamlike u woonhuis te help beskerm en “lewe” te gee. Dit word gedoen deur om aan u kwaliteit verf te verkoop wat duursaam is en die natuurlike elemente te kan weerstaan.

Wanneer het u die besigheid begin?
Ons eerste tak het in 2007 geopen. Tans is daar takke in Oudtshoorn, George, Mosselbaai, Knysna en agente in Kaapstad en Port Elizabeth. Vele meer om te kom.

Wat het u aangespoor om u besigheid te begin?
Diens, behulpsaamheid en kwaliteit ontbreek deesdae in die verbruikers mark. Dit is waarvoor United Paints bekend is: Waar die kliënt nog werklik eerste kom deurdat ons van die begin tot die einde van die projek saam hom is. YOUR SMILE IS OUR SATISFACTION

Op watter segment van die gemeenskap is u besigheid gemik?
Ons het ‘n wye verskeidenheid produkte vir vanaf die grootste kontrakteur tot die man op straat.

Watter produkte/dienste bied u aan?
U name it we have it @ affordable prices. Alle verf produkte vir u huis, staal en hout behoeftes.

Watter voordeel het u bo u mededingers?
DIENS DIENS DIENS met persoonlike kontak. Gesamentlike Tegniese ervaring van 20 jaar.

Persoonlike hoogtepunte/suksesse/prestasies.
Ten spyte van die resesie en die swak ekonomie het United Paints verdriedubbel die laaste 8 jaar.

Wat laat u besigheid bo ander uitblink?
Ons is nie n algemene hardeware winkel of warehouse nie. Ons IS verf met 20 jaar tegniese ervaring in n veld wat besig is om te kwyn in Suid Afrika.

Die belangrikste boodskap wat jy met die gemeenskap wil deel?
You’ve tried the rest now come and buy at the best.

Kontak besonderhede:
Naam – Estian Stander
Tel. no – 084 575 2503




Depression and anxiety currently affects one in every five South Africans. It’s a debilitating state of mind which can seriously affect an individual’s quality of life. One way to support a healthier mental state is by being in an organised and welcoming office and home environment.

Wilmi Hudsonberg, spokesperson for Pharma Dynamics – a leading generics firm specialising in treatments for depression and anxiety, among others – says clutter can play a significant role in how we feel about ourselves. Messy homes and office desks leave us feeling anxious, helpless and overwhelmed. Yet, rarely is clutter recognised as a significant source of stress in our lives.

“There is a significant body of evidence, which proves the link between depression and a cluttered environment. One such study was conducted by researchers at the Princeton University’s Neuroscience Institute which found that when your environment is cluttered, the chaos restricts your ability to focus. The clutter also limits your brain’s ability to process information. In short, clutter distracts you and impairs your brain’s ability to process information.

“However, if you are suffering from chronic depression even the most mundane tasks can seem insurmountable, let alone the mammoth task of uncluttering your home or office. But, making an effort to get organised could help you progress quicker to some sort of normality.

“By creating a soothing home and organised work environment your body automatically releases dopamine, serotonin, melatonin and oxytocin – all the feel-good hormones that heals depression,” says Hudsonberg.

Here are her interior suggestions to help create a more balanced and relaxing environment at home:
· Firstly, get rid of all the clutter. It’s often not about how clean your house is, but rather about what you face when you walk in the door every day. Think of the unpaid bills lying around, dishes in the sink, toys strewn all over the house and piles of washing – all are constant reminders of everything that still needs to be done. If you can organise your belongings and take unnecessary clutter out of the equation, you are likely to experience less stress, and therefore feel less depressed. Pinterest has some great creative de-cluttering ideas that will make the job seem like less of chore.

· Involve your children by getting them to unclutter their rooms too. Make it a rule in the house that every time they walk into their room, they have to put five things away. You will be surprised at the result by the end of the day.

· Open blinds and curtains to let in more natural light. Light stimulates a flow of hormones and chemicals in your body that will improve your mood and energy levels. If your home tends to be dark, try brighten it up with lights or change the colour palette of your living space. If this is too bold a move, liven things up by introducing colourful and vibrant scatter cushions, rugs, throws and other accessories such as lamps, vases or decorative photo frames and paintings. Mirrors also expand the feeling of light and space, especially if the mirrors face each other.
· Surround yourself with whatever it is that makes you feel good. If you love the beach – bring elements such as shells, art or photos of beach scenes or memorabilia into your home.

· The way your home smells can also induce positive feelings and a sense of relaxation. Try find an air freshener or scented candle that’s right for you and your home.

· If you spend most of your time in the kitchen, away from the family and it’s making you miserable, consider breaking down a wall or renovating the area so you don’t feel left out of the rest of the family’s activities when you’re cooking.

· Whether it’s painting a wall or refurbishing a chair, once you’ve accomplished a home project you will derive so much satisfaction from it, which in turn will boost your mood.

· Bring plants inside your home. This has been proven to be therapeutic for many individuals.
Her tips for organising your work station are:

· Determine what the underlying cause is of your cluttered work desk. Your office didn’t just magically turn into a wreck. The piles of paperwork and tangled cables are just the after effects. Once you’ve identified the cause, work out a system that’s going to best work for you.

· The next step is to wheel in three containers – one for stuff that is going straight into the bin, the other is for stuff that you want to keep, but doesn’t really belong in the office and the third container is for stuff you are going to donate. Look at every object in terms of its usefulness. If it isn’t useful, get rid of it and don’t give it a second thought. The general rule for uncluttering and reclaiming your space is, “when in doubt, throw it out”.

· We live in a modern world where so many things can be stored digitally, so try filing documents in the cloud rather than in a physical file. Recognise too, that holding onto something “just in case” is a mild form of hoarding.

· To manage paperwork after the big clean up, create a two-tray system – one for new documents and another for documents you’ve looked at but still need to deal with. Set yourself a goal to deal with your paperwork within 48 hours. This system works wonders for eliminating paper clutter from your desk.
Hudsonberg cautions that although your office or home can cause a certain level of depression and despite the fact that there are things you can do inside your home or at work to help the blues go away, that it doesn’t mean there could be other contributing factors. Lighting and furniture placement can only take you so far, so make sure to see a doctor if your depressed mood persists.

Those suffering from depression, anxiety or compounded stress can contact Pharma Dynamics’ toll-free helpline on 0800 205 026, which is manned by trained counsellors who are on call from 8am to 8pm, seven days a week, to help you regain your mental strength.

(BrigitteTaim: Meropa Communications 021 683 6464)



Februarie is die maand van liefde, soet geure en prag. Hoekom nie daai liefde, geure en prag oordra na jou tuin – ‘n geurtuin. ‘n Tuin moet al ons sintuie bevredig, maar ons dink dikwels net aan die visuele. Gevoel en reuk gaan dikwels hand aan hand; om ‘n blaar tussen jou vingers te vryf en ‘n reuk vry te stel. Daar is ‘n oneindige lys van geurplante en meeste blom in die warmer maande, maar dit is moontlik om elke maand van die jaar ‘n geurvolle tuin te hê.

Wat blom in Februarie? Iets vir die oog.

Begonia’s en Impatiens bied ‘n bietjie kleur vir die koelte area’s of potte op die stoep. Hanekam, Jakobregops en Lobelia’s bied kleur in vol son beddings. Rof gesaaide Kosmos is nie net ‘n mengelmoes van kleur nie, maar is ook perfekte snyblomme.

Meeste mense ken die Gaura as die Skoenlapperbos. Dis ‘n geharde, droogtebestande bossie wat oortrek word met of wit of pienk blommetjies, wat lyk of hulle dans in die wind. Die tyd van die jaar is Inka-lelies die onderwerp op elke tuinier se lippe. Dis pragtige snyblomme en hou lank in water.

Agapanthus spesies het beslis geen bekendstelling nodige nie. Almal ken die wit sneeuballe en die blou wolkies wat heen en weer swaai in die wind, maar dis nie die enigste spesies nie. Daar is klein Agapanthus spesies soos die Peter Pan en die bont blaar Tinkerbell, Black Panther and Agapanthus Africanus. Nog ‘n ou bekende is Dalhia’s. Ons almal onthou van ons kinderdae waar pragtige vet kleurvolle Dalhia’s Ouma se tuin verkleur het. Kniphofia Caulescens of Vuurpyle, tesaam met Watsonia’s pronk met hul warm blomme gekleur in rooi en oranje.

Struike is ook in volle swang in Februarie. Abelia’s bederf bytjies met hul klein wit geurvolle blommetjies. Duranta’s is bedek met trosse pers blomme en geel bessies. Terwyl Cupea’s spog met ‘n verskeidenheid van petite blommetjies. Soos altyd stel die Hibiscuses nie teleur en voel dit soos ‘n eiland met ‘n blom in die hare. Fushia’s strek hul lang arms waar blom ballerina’s aan hul vingerpunte dans in rokkies van pienk, pers en wit.

Tittelwyd ‘n bietjie jou reuk sintuig met ‘n Yesterday Today and Tomorrow se soet geurige pers en wit blomme. Maar moenie vergeet van die Buddleja Davidii met sy trosse pers blomme of van die Dianthus, met hul sagte kleure en geure. Die Katjiepiering, Frangipani en Jasmyn het ‘n betowerende reuk, terwyl lavender en mint ‘n sommer vars reuk het.. Daar is niks so onstpannend soos ‘n lieflike reuk wat in die lug hang nie.

Leani Kwekery 044 620 2565 – Hoek van die ou Mosselbaaipad (R102






Going back to work after the lazy summer holidays might feel like a harrowing re-entry into reality when having to face the gruelling daily commute again, along with an email inbox stretching out like the Dead Sea Scrolls.

You got a glimpse of freedom whilst on holiday, but now you’re back where you started. If you’re experiencing regular headaches, feelings of tiredness, loss of appetite and are having strong feelings of nostalgia, you could be suffering from a classic case of post-holiday depression.

For most however, the post-holiday blues usually wears off after a few weeks, but some may experience it more intensely which can last for several months if not managed with care.

Mariska van Aswegen, spokesperson for Pharma Dynamics – a generics firm specialising in antidepressants – says more than a quarter of Americans suffer annually from post-holiday depression, which is bound to be the same for South Africans too.

“Almost everyone is subject to post-holiday depression, especially if it’s been a long and pleasurable holiday. Getting back on track after having to swap the beach and blue skies for the view of your laptop in a stuffy office is tough and it’s completely normal to experience dips in mood, motivation and energy for the first few weeks.

“However, for some, post-holiday depression can result in a feeling that you no longer want to keep doing what you’re doing and all you can think of is making a change to your life to better your situation. Often, if action isn’t taken or the situation doesn’t improve, these thoughts can consume you and lead to major distress and debilitating depression,” she says.

To help ease your way into regular life again and specifically to combat post-holiday blues, Van Aswegen suggest the following:

· Share your holiday experiences with family and friends or look at photos and souvenirs – somehow reliving the holidays offers a sense of comfort.

· If you really enjoyed a particular holiday spot or activity – whether it’s kite-boarding or hiking, start planning your next get-away and/or purchase equipment needed to enjoy the activity more often. This offers a distraction and gives you something to look forward to.

· Don’t dwell on the negative, since stress and disappointment can get you down. Try to make a conscious effort to be positive.

· It’s important to unplug or disconnect every now and then. Your brain needs a break from the constant demands that phone calls, emails, SMSes, Tweets and other forms of social media place upon it.

· Feed your body and mind with a healthy diet and daily exercise. This might also help you achieve some of your goals for the new year, while setting you on a path of health and happiness. Exercise releases endorphins (the feel good hormones) which will instantly lift your mood.

“Another theory behind post-holiday depression is the ‘let down effect’, which is described as a condition where high energy levels in the body are followed by a rapid decline in activation levels. The highs you experienced during the holidays may leave you feeling depleted physically and mentally once you go back to work.

“If however your blues don’t lift after a few weeks back at work, consider reaching out to your family, friends or a mental health professional. Alternatively contact Pharma Dynamics’ toll-free.