Month: March 2014

VLU Voëlvlei – die Vrolike Vrouens van Voëlvlei

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Wat ‘n goeie inisiatief van dié dames om die plaaswerkers van die omgewing te inspireer, te sorg vir bietjie opwinding en so vir hulle die geleentheid te gee om te leer deur self te doen en deel te neem.

Vir die spesifieke geleentheid moes die werkers ‘n sjokolade koek tuis bak, versier en dan saambring vir beoordeling.

Rika de Villiers, die beoordelaar, het waardevolle inligting en wenke gedeel, en weereens besef ek, jy is nooit te oud om te leer nie.

Volgens Johleen Muller die organiseerder en Reeva Pienaar (sekretaresse) word daar gereeld sulke byeenkomste gehou.
Die dames word handvaardighede wat onder andere die maak van verskeie naaldwerk-, brei- en hekelartikels insluit, geleer.

Die geleentheid wat by die Vleesbaai Pre Primêre Skool gehou is, was gelukkig darem nie alles net leer en werk nie. Na afloop het die dames lekker met ‘n koppie tee saam gekuier en gesels.
Bygewoon deur: Marriam Floors



Arts & Crafts

FAB CREATIONS – Sewing classes
The 2 ladies running this initiative, in a part of the Craft and Art Building, Suzan and Antoinette also offer sewing classes.
For this, you need to bring along your own sewing machine.
Contact Suzan: 078 599 7144


(Next to the Tourism offices)

Open: Mon. – Fri. 9:00 – 17:00
Sat. 9:00 – 15:00

For Art and Art Classes as well as a large variety of jewelry and other interesting and colourful craft items on sale, do visit and support these up and coming artists.

Pinnacle Point lays out South Africa’s first SNAG course

Mossel Bay’s Pinnacle Point Beach and Golf Resort has laid out South Africa’s first SNAG (‘Starting New at Golf’) course.
The 6-hole course is under construction on the Resort’s driving range, and should be ready for the April holiday season. It includes four par-3 and two par-4 holes designed specifically for children.

SNAG was developed in the USA as a way of introducing young people to the game of golf. It uses clubs fitted with over-sized heads, and tennis balls (minimum diameter 65.41 millimetres, maximum weight 59.4 grammes) rather than traditional golf balls (minimum diameter 42.67 millimetres, maximum weight 45.93 grammes).

SNAG is already available as a training programme at Pinnacle Point, where PGA pro Quintin van der Berg offers classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

“SNAG allows for full shots, pitching, chipping, and putting, and we provide all the equipment – so there’s no expensive outlay,” said Mr. van der Berg. “It’s just a matter of getting in and having fun.”

He said that the advantage of having a permanent course as well as regular classes is that parents and children can now enjoy the game together at any time they choose.

“While the kids are busy with SNAG, the adults can make use of the facilities at our Peak Performance Centre, with its putting and chipping greens; clubfitting and club repairs workshop under Master Clubfitter Charles Rich; SAM Puttlab; indoor teaching studio; and 3-D motion analysis, video analysis, and FlightScope 3-D Doppler Ball Tracking and FocusBand technologies.
“And of course there’s our all-important snack bar.”

While the SNAG course will open on the green, the plan is to make SNAG at Pinnacle Point even more exciting by adding mini bunkers and areas of fynbos rough at a later stage.
“We’ve cut the greens, tee-boxes, and fairways with the par-4s running to about 60 metres, while the par-3s are about 30 metres long. But when you hit tennis balls they don’t travel as far as golf balls, so the course will feel very realistic,” said Mr. van der Berg.

“It’s the logical way to introduce little people to the game: we’ve seen kids as young as four years of age taking to SNAG as if they were made for it.”

Mossel Bay Tourism’s Marcia Holm welcomed the announcement.
“Golf remains one of the biggest draw-cards for tourism in the Southern Cape, and it’s good to see that its now available to kids, too,” she said.

“It’s also exciting to know that Mossel Bay is once again leading the pack: this is a first for South Africa, and from internet searches, it seems that Colorado in the USA boasts the world’s only other permanent SNAG course.
“The SNAG course at Pinnacle Point will make a real difference when golfers with young families make their decisions about where to go on holiday.” •


Fase 2 van die gesamentlike toksiese e-afvalprojek van die Mosselbaaise en Knysna Munisipaliteite en die Eden Distriksmunisipaliteit skop op Dinsdag, 18 Maart 2014, in Mosselbaai af wanneer die eerse skeepsvraghouer permanent vir die storting van elektronies afval by die munisipale stortingsterrein by Sonskynvallei op die Oudtshoornpad geplaas sal word.

Elektroniese afval, of e-afval soos dit ook genoem word, sluit rekenaars, skerms, sleutelborde, rekenaarmuise, kabels, drukkers, skandeerders en hardeskywe in. Dit sluit ook items soos televisiestelle, bandspelers, telefone en selfone in. Hierdie toerusting kan tot soveel as 50% gevaarhoudende stowwe, wat as hoogs toksies geklassifiseer word, bevat.

Sekere huishoudelike toebehore soos mikrogolfoonde, skottelgoedwassers, sommige yskaste, droërs, ensovoorts, wat elektronika bevat, word ook geklasifiseer as e-afval. Ingevolge die Wet op Afval word die meeste van die chemiese stowwe wat in elektroniese apparate gebruik word as gevaarlike toksies afval beskou wanneer dit gestort word.

Die meeste van hierdie toksiese materiale beland saam met die gewone afval op die munisipale stortingsterreine, en kan ernstige nagevolge vir die omgewing inhou. Die chemiese stowwe breek op, en sypel die grond binne waar dit die ondergrondse water kan besoedel, of gifgasse in die atmosfeer kan vry stel.

Die Eden Distriksmunisipaliteit , asook die Mosselbaaise en Knysna munisipaliteite, in samewerking met Ma’bone, die diensverskaffer, en Valley Containers, wat die gemerkte vraghouers bewillig het, neem aan die e-afvalprojek deel.

Maatskappye en ander instansies kan Ma’bone direk skakel vir die afhaal van e-afval, of kan hulle e-afval by die Ma’bone depot in George aflaai teen ʼn tarief per kilogram, waarna ʼn sertifikaat van veilige berging uitgereik sal word.

Daar word ʼn beroep gedoen op die algehele samewerking deur alle partye om die onwettige storting van e-afval op ʼn wettige en veilige wyse te hanteer, en in te handig vir veilige berging.
Navrae oor die bekendstellingsdag in Mosselbaai en die e-afvalprojek kan aan Lanese Hesselman by telefoon (044) 606-5143 gerig word. Enige ander navrae insake toksiese afvalbestuur en die veilige hantering en berging van toksiese afval kan ook aan Ma’bone gerig word by 0861 623 672 of

All About Drugs – People Against Substance Abuse

There’s a lot of talk about drugs out there.
You could hear about dagga from your friend or pain pills from somebody at school. You might have seen a movie about cocaine or read a post about LSD on the Internet. Some of it is true and some of it isn’t.

Much of what you hear about drugs actually comes from those selling them. Reformed drug dealers have confessed they would have said anything to get others to buy drugs.

Don’t be fooled. You need facts to avoid becoming hooked on drugs and to help your friends stay off them.

Sooner or later—if it hasn’t already happened—you, or someone close to you, will be offered drugs. The decision of whether or not to use them could drastically affect your life. Any addict will tell you they never expected a drug to take control of their life or maybe that they started with “just pot” and that it was “just something to do” with their friends. They thought they could handle it and when they found out they couldn’t, it was too late.

You have a right to know the FACTS about drugs—not opinions, hype or scare tactics. So how do you tell fact from fiction?

How do Drugs Work?
Drugs are essentially poisons. The amount taken determines the effect. A small amount acts as a stimulant (speeds you up). A greater amount acts as a sedative (slows you down). An even larger amount poisons and can kill you.

This is true of any drug. Only the amount needed to achieve the effect differs.

But many drugs have another liability: they affect the mind. They can distort the user’s perception of what is happening around him or her. As a result, the person’s actions may be odd, irrational, inappropriate and even destructive.

Drugs block off all sensations, the desirable ones with the unwanted. So, while providing short term help in the relief of pain, they also wipe out ability and alertness and muddy one’s thinking.
Medicines are drugs that are intended to speed up or slow down or change something about the way your body is working, to try to make it work better. Sometimes they are necessary. But they are still drugs: they act as stimulants or sedatives, and too much can kill you. So if you do not use medicines as they are supposed to be used, they can be as dangerous as illegal drugs.

Why do people take Drugs?
Most people take drugs because they want to change something about their lives.
Here are some of the most common reasons young people have given for taking drugs:
• To fit in
• To escape or relax
• To relieve boredom
• To seem grown up
• To rebel
• To experiment
They think drugs are a solution. But eventually, the drugs become the problem.
Difficult as it may be to face one’s problems, the consequences of drug use are always worse than the problem one is trying to solve with them. The real answer is to get the facts and not to take drugs in the first place.

Drugs affect the mind
Normally, when a person remembers something, the mind is very fast and information comes to him quickly. But drugs blur memory, causing blank spots. When a person tries to get information through this cloudy mess, he can’t do it. Drugs make a person feel slow or stupid and cause him or her to have failures in life. And as he or she has more failures and life gets harder, he or she wants more drugs to help him or her deal with the problem.

Drugs destroy creativity
One lie told about drugs is that they help a person become more creative. The truth is quite different.
Someone who is sad might use drugs to get a feeling of happiness, but it does not work. Drugs can lift a person into a fake kind of cheerfulness, but when the drug wears off, he or she crashes even lower than before. And each time, the emotional plunge is lower and lower. Eventually, drugs will completely destroy all the creativity a person has.

*Read more in the forth coming editions about drugs and the effect they have on you.

New Logo Latest


• Freddy Trout
Tel: 071 090 4450/071 003 8040


Running Stronger via your Core

Whether running for fitness, lifestyle or weight loss, traditionally runners have focused on building a stronger heart and stronger legs and often don’t think about the area in between. But increasing numbers of athletes across all sports are starting to understand that a strong core is the foundation of all movement…

A strong core helps you generate more force and speed as you push off the ground. When you land again, strong core muscles help to keep you rock-solid. A stable core prevents extra movement in your torso and keeps you from using excess energy as your arms and legs move. This makes you a more economical runner.
A strong core also helps with posture while running. At the tail end of your run, a solid core can help you maintain correct form and run efficiently – even through fatigue – because strong lower abs and lower-back muscles aids better posture, and less fatigue leads to increased co-ordination. Strength in your side stomach oblique’s helps when you have to suddenly move to the side – whether it’s turning the corner on a track, navigating terrain or dodging a pothole.

If you don’t invest time in strengthening your core you can experience a variety of different problems ranging from discomfort to major injuries. You see, as your legs pound the ground your spine absorbs much of the force. That shock worsens if your core is weak, which can produce lower-back pain. Also, when your core isn’t stable, your hamstrings have to work harder – which if overloaded, can leave them shorter, tighter, and more vulnerable to injury. Without a strong core, it is difficult to control the movement of your torso. You risk putting excess force on your joints each time your foot lands, which can lead to pain under the knee and a whole lot of expensive health problems later in life. Further strain can be put on your joints when your technique deteriorates near the end of your run. If your core is weak, you can end up shuffling and slouching, putting too much stress on your hips, knees, and shins.

No matter what level you are running at, a strong core is the foundation for all your movement. There are lots of exercise options to consider for your core.

Invest the time in your core and you will enjoy your running a lot more – plus you’ll look great too!

Researched By : Kátia C. Rowlands – Pilates Instructor & Personal Trainer – 082 513 4256




Vlnr – Andre Piguet (Borg), Waldo Vorster (Netto Wenner A Afdeling), Clayton
Ascencao (Bruto Wenner A Afdeling), Gert Pieterse (Bruto Wenner C Afdeling)
en Ursula Otto (Rawson Eiendomme).

Rawson Eiendomme se maandelikse borgdag het op Woensdag 19 Maart plaasgevind. Allerweë word hierdie tipe kompetisie as die ware toets vir enige gholfspeler beskou. Self-dissipline, geduld en nie onnodige kanse vat nie, is wat in jou mondering moet wees as jy sukses wil behaal. Clayton Ascencao (voorgee 4) het hierdie kwaliteite toegepas en die A-afdeling op ‘n bruto-telling van 75 houe gewen. LD Griesel (voorgee 6) het hard in sy nek geblaas en op 76 houe tweede geëindig. Die netto-wenner was Waldo Vorster op 69 houe met Louw Strydom (69 houe) in die tweede plek. In die B-afdeling (voorgee 10-18) het André du Plessis 82 houe aangeteken en sodoende op die uittel vir Pieter Venter geklop. Netto-wenner Markie Sciarone (71 houe) het die uittel teen Manny Ascencao gewen. Gert Pieterse het in die C-afdeling (voorgee 19+) korte mette met sy teenstanders gemaak en met ‘n bruto-telling van 93 houe geseëvier. Sakkie Venter was tweede op 94 houe. Nic Weideman (72 houe) het die netto-afdeling gewen met Gabriël Smith en Cynthia Zietsman op 73 houe onderskeidelik tweede en derde.

Op Menseregtedag, Vrydag 21 Maart 2014, het Stephen le Roux die A-afdeling op 41 stableford punte gewen. Johan van Rensburg en Clayton Ascencao se 40 punte was genoeg om die tweede en derde plekke in te neem.In die B-afdeling was Albie Ellman (39 punte) veels te sterk vir sy teenstanders. Johann van Langelaar en Gail Botha het op 35 punte die ander plekke ingeneem. Dean Bouwer het die kitaarsnare behoorlik laat sing en op 39 punte die ander spelers tweede viool laat speel. Die 10-jarige Wouter Dercksen het op 35 punte sy staal getoon deur tweede te eindig. Jackie Gerber het die skoner geslag se naam hoog gehou deur op 33 punte derde te eindig.

Saterdag 22 Maart 2014 het Albie Ellman, Mick Cunningham, Vic Moll en Karools Hauptfleisch die vierball Alliansie kompetisie op 98 punte gewen. Martiens Mulder, Noël Hudson, Dave Tomlinson en George Sadowski het 92 punte aangeteken en tweede geëindig.

Vrydagaande is nog steeds ‘n lekker bymekaarkom aand vir ons lede en besoekers. Gelukkige trekkings is aan die orde van die dag en daar is beslis nie ‘n beter manier om die naweek mee af te skop as die heerlike saamkuier met vriende nie. •

How Often Should I Feed My Dog?

This is a question I see often from new dog owners. In fact, I see plenty of longtime dog owners either not heeding or not knowing its answer. However, most veterinarians and experts will say that for optimal health and behavior, it is best to feed your dog just once a day. And if there is any debate at all, it is between once or twice a day. Free-feeding is never encouraged.

“What is free-feeding and why is it bad?”

Free-feeding is basically keeping your dog’s food dish filled, letting your canine eat when he is hungry or bored. Not only will this cause physical health problems in your dog, including but not exclusive to doggy obesity, but the dog will also develop poor behavior problems.

Dogs do not have jobs. They do not earn paychecks and they do not look forward to spending their non-existent paychecks on the weekends. They live simply lives and have very few motivators. Squirrels, walks, treats, belly-rubs, playing, and meals are about all life boils down to for dogs, with naps in between. And food is no doubt the biggest motivator of the bunch (except maybe squirrels!), but free-feeding will all but remove this motivation from your dog’s life. Your dog will grow lazy and lethargic and will have no reason to obey your commands. He is fat and happy—why listen to you? What’s to be gained? Most dogs can handle some severer ‘bad-dogging’ when they have all the food they’ll ever need.

“Twice a day or once a day? And why?”

Most people are surprised to discover that only one feeding per day is the commonly accepted recommendation. This is because it is difficult to see past our own eating habits as humans. We eat three times a day (at least) and grow incredibly hungry if we miss a meal.

However, you have to realize that humans and dogs have completely different digestive systems and metabolic rates. Dogs are much more accustomed to longer breaks between meals. In fact, not giving enough time in between meals can disrupt the natural process of a dog’s digestive track and result in severe health problems. Feeding the dog once per day is not neglectful, it’s healthy!

The dog food you buy for your fury friend might have recommendations on the amount of food and the number of times to feed him, but this should not be followed religiously. After all, the more your dog eats, the more money you will spend (and the more money the dog food company makes). Many brands will recommend free-feeding, but this is not correct. We recommend doing once a day or possibly twice a day depending on your personal situation.

Feeding twice a day OK if your dog is especially needy and obsessive about food. As long as you keep to a consistent schedule, two smaller feedings per day should not be an issue. However, once per day is still your best bet.

Also, keep in mind that you are also probably giving your dog a few treats during the day—be it milk bones, pig ears, or rawhide bones. These are a great way to train your dog and to keep him happy and active in between meals.

“When Should I Feed My Dog?”

So now that you understand the importance of not free-feeding, and you’ve decided to feed either once (best) or twice (OK) a day, it is time to discuss WHEN to feed your dog. And the answer is, it doesn’t matter—as long as you keep to a fairly rigid schedule. Personally, I feed my dog in the evenings when I eat dinner, but as long as you stick to roughly the same time every day then it shouldn’t really matter.

Bon Appetit!

Van die Redaksie


Mosselbaaiers, staan opsy ….. die Buffalo Rally met sy “Leader of the Pack” is oppad.

Nog ‘n belangrike dag op Mosselbaai se kalender. ‘n Welkome geleentheid vir Mosselbaai wat besoekers en belangstellendes van oral trek.

Daarby beteken dit ook ‘n belangrike finansiële inspuiting vir ons plaaslike ekonomie.

“Bikers” word dikwels as ‘n klomp “hooligans” deur sommiges gebrandmerk, terwyl die teendeel egter in meeste gevalle waar is.

Eintlik glo ek motorfietsryers wil net pret hê en wegbreek van die daaglikse roetine en druk van die lewe en wat dit alles behels.

Uit ondervinding moet ek erken, daar is niks wat jou so vry, opgewonde en …”roekeloos” laat voel, as motorfiets ry nie.

Dit moet die spoed, wind, sensasie en vibrasie wees.

Nou kombineer dit met groepgees, vriende, liefde, opgewondenheid en jy is oppad !

With this the Mossview wishes all bikers, visitors and guests a safe and enjoyable weekend.

It is fun having the bikers here and once they’ve experienced the vibe and hospitality of Mossel Bay and surrounding areas we trust they’ll soon be back for more.

No doubt its going to be a weekend filled with, excitement, fun and games.

Go for it and enjoy.








KOK SE KEUSE – Gekruide Perske Blatjang



Gebruik halfryp taaipitperskes vir hierdie resep. Dit lewer ‘n smaaklike, veelsydige blatjang wat redelik vinnig en maklik is om te maak.
Lewer +- 2.5kg

1.5kg ferm, halfryp perskes
2 groot uie, geskil en gekap
4 t (20ml) fyngedrukte knoffel
1 e (15ml) gerasperde vars gemmer
1 t (5ml) geel mosterdsaad
3 klein rooi brandrissies, gekap
500 g gemengde droëvrugte (appels,appelkose, nektariens, mango’s en pere, maar nie pruimedante nie)
1 Liter witwyn of appelasyn
675 g bruinsuiker

1. Bedek die perskes met kookwater en laat dit vir 15 – 20 minute staan tot die skille loskom. Skil die perskes, sny hulle middeldeur en verwyder die pitte. Kap in kleinerige stukke.

2. Bring al die bestandele tot kookpunt in ‘n groot kastrol, roer voortdurend tot die suiker opgelos is.

3. Verlaag die hitte en kook vir sowat 35 – 40 minute tot verdik. Roer dikwels om te verhoed dat dit aanbrand.

4. Giet dit in gesteriliseerde glasfesse, verseël met gesteriliseerde deksels en bere dit tot twee weke lank op ‘n koel, donker plek voor gebruik.
Dit hou tot ‘n jaar lank as dit oopgemaak bly.

Kok se keuse resep van die week is trots verskaf deur die Diaz Strand Hotel.